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Conquering Math Myths with Universal Design: An Inclusive Instructional Approach for Grades K–8


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The teaching and learning of mathematics have long been haunted by myths.

Table of contents

Chapter 2. UDL as the Antidote to Math Myths

Chapter 3. The Math Person Myth: Building Positive Math Identities

Chapter 4. The Learning Gaps Myth: Planning with Focus and Coherence

Chapter 5. The Answer Getting Myth: Developing Conceptual Understanding

About the authors

Jenna Mancini Rufo is an inclusive education consultant and the founder and CEO of EmpowerED School Solutions. She has worked with state departments of education, disability rights organizations, and school systems across the United States and in Australia to create more equitable and inclusive special education programs.

She spent nearly 20 years in public education as an assistant superintendent, special education director, and teacher, where she advocated for students with disabilities to receive services in inclusive settings.

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