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The Resilient Rural Leader: Rising to the Challenges of Rural Education


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The role of the rural education leader is complex and demanding, but the rewards of serving in a rural school district are innumerable. Learn how to work through challenges and maximize success in this often overlooked and underresourced field.

Table of contents

Chapter 2. The Rural Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Chapter 3. The Rural Principal

Chapter 4. The Effective and Efficient Rural School Leader

Chapter 5. Access in Rural Communities

About the authors

Melissa Sadorf is the superintendent of the Stanfield Elementary School District in Arizona. In her rural district, she also serves as business manager, federal grant programs director, and HR director. Previously, she was a teacher, literacy coach, assistant principal, and principal. She is executive director of the Arizona ASCD affiliate, the Northern Arizona University (NAU) Rural Schools Resource Center, and the Arizona Rural Schools Association and sits on the National Rural Education Association as president of the executive board. She has created a Rural Leaders Network that spans 16 Western states, and her podcast, The Rural Scoop, highlights best practices in rural school systems. She also teaches educational leadership and principal preparation courses at NAU.

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